0201E - Scales and Chords

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Scales and Chords.png

0201E - Scales and Chords


This chapter will talk about chords and what scales go along with the chords. It's not about creating voicings, but rather tying the chords in with the scales. Every chord has a scale. These are in a way the same thing, they create the sound of the harmony. They need to fit together for the most part. They both need to tell the same story. For instance if the chord is Major then the scale to go along with it for the most part should not be minor. Of course in music it seems everything is possible, however if you're just getting into chords and scales everything is not possible. We need clear rules to understand and follow and someday possibly break.

A good improviser hears the sound of the chord and makes a melody over top of it. Every great improviser knows what scales go with what chord. After doing it over and over it becomes second nature and a great improviser does not have to think about the scales like a beginner does. So dive in and understand the scales and their sounds and how they relate to their associated chords.

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